Sunday, June 29, 2008
Wonder Tot

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
What's In a Name?
Child Abuse
At first Todd just stuck the pickle in her mouth so she would make a face but all she ended up doing was sucking on the end of the pickle. Quite funny. Since that didn't work Todd took a bite of the pickle and then squeezed the pickle juice into her mouth. I love this video not just for Kensington's reactions but because Todd is cracking up in the background. Hilarious!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Pictures for Daddy

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Duckies and Daddy
4 Generations of Nut
Rice Cereal and Rolling Over
Kensington started rolling over a few weeks ago. She goes from her back to her stomach and then gets mad because she hates to be on her stomach. I've seen her roll from her stomach to her back once but she hasn't done it since so I think that time was just a fluke. She's hilarious to watch and no matter how many times we flip her back over on her back she keeps rolling over.
Play Date

Last week my mom brought Kensington to work so that we could have lunch together. One of my coworkers brought her son Mason who is 2 days older than Kensington so they could play together. They were completely indifferent to each other but it was fun to see them together and see how different the two kiddos are.