Monday, August 24, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Alturas Lake

A few weeks ago Todd took Kensington to Alturas Lake in Idaho for a family reunion. I stayed home because camping and pregnancy just aren't my thing. Plus my Mom was in town and we were able to get LOTS of stuff done without having to worry about Kensington. They were gone for a whole week and had lots of fun.
They played in the sand
went canoeing

hung out with cousins

played in a hammock

climbed on everything
Hopefully next year we can all go together.

Friday, August 7, 2009

I Want One!

So I know these skirts have been pretty popular for a while but I think they are adorable and I want one for Kensington. I would love one for myself too but I don't think I would actually be brave enough to wear it outside. I can't believe they sell for over $60 each but I actually found a how-to on Martha Stewart so I'm going to add it to my project list. I just might get around to it by the time Kensington starts school.


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