So I was under the false impression that by 18 months we would have sleep fairly well established. She has always had some issues with sleeping but it really hasn't been that bad until now...
It all started (or should I say stopped?) about 2 1/2 weeks ago. She would throw a major fit any time we tried to put her down to sleep and then after crying it out for an hour or 2 she would sleep for 3-5 hours and start all over again. We were all exhausted.
We started giving her melatonin to see if that would help and for 3 wonderful nights we got sleep. Peaceful, happy, uninterupted (at least by her screaming) sleep. Now we are back to the sleep drama with a vengence.
There seem to be 2 major problems...
1. She won't go to sleep in her room. She hates her bedroom and throws a complete and total tantrum any time we attempt to put her to sleep in her room. She'll fall asleep in the living room, in our room, in the car... anywhere but her room. If she wakes up her room she is incredibly mad and absolutely refuses to go back to sleep... anywhere.
2. She just won't go to sleep. She fights it with everything she has and the girl has an iron will. We can't let her cry it out in her crib because in her anger she has started to fling herself over the edge of her crib and I'm worried she may break her neck. If she were just trying to climb out of the crib like a normal kid I might not worry so much but she is flinging herself over the edge in a fit of rage.
So now I don't know what to do and I'm tired. I can't be up all night with 2 screaming kids so I've got to get this thing figured out quickly...