Wednesday, October 28, 2009


A few weeks ago we blessed Xander at Todd's sister's house in Idaho. My mom was able to be there and Todd was able to have half his family there. My friend Jen who lives in the area even got to come. Kensington had so much fun playing with her cousins and new friends. It was so nice to get to visit with family and friends too.

Photo Shoot

While my mom was here and I could use her Costco card I took some pictures of Xander for his birth announcements. I was so glad I got some of him smiling. He is such a handsome little man.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I forgot

Newborns are EXHAUSTING...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What's in a Name?

Your parents gave you the name
That others would call you by
Something you’ll answer to
And on papers you will sign

But what’s in your name
Why did they call you that
What are you to become
Who are you to emulate

Kensington is a palace
Home to a princess full of love
You can be that princess
With your palace up above

Jewell for your Great Grandma
Remember and cherish her name
She is smart and independent
They want you to be the same

Christine is after your mother
Who loves with all her heart
She makes your house a home
And struck dad with cupids dart

Kerr is after your father
It’s also the family name
Always act with honor
And never bring it shame

Kensington Jewell Christine Kerr
Is what they named their baby girl

Kensington Jewell Christine Kerr
The prettiest girl you'll ever see

Kensington Jewell Christine Kerr
She loves to dance and loves to sing

Saturday, October 10, 2009

More Xander

Our little man is already growing and changing so much. He is very animated and always making silly faces. He still sleeps most of the time but has decided that he likes to be awake from about 2 to 4 in the morning. Luckily I have my Mom here for another week to help with Kensington so I get plenty of naps.
Kensington is adjusting much better than I anticipated. She loves to hold Xander's hands or feet and to give him kisses. She wants to hold him sometimes but is usually just content sitting next to him. She is constantly trying to give him a bottle or steal his pacifier out of his mouth.
I still can't believe that I have 2 kids.


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