Monday, April 19, 2010

This is the Place

Saturday Todd took the kids to This is the Place.  Kensington had so much fun doing all sorts of fun things.

She rode a horse

She climbed on rocks

She went to school

She got in trouble

She went on the train

She got chased by the train

She made butter

Ate some lunch

And finally took a little nap

It was a very busy day!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

From a shirt to a Dress

I had this shirt that I liked but it doesn't fit right anymore so I decided to try and turn it into a dress for Kensington.  I didn't have a pattern and I pretty much had to wing it but I think it turned out okay.  Its not symmetrical and slightly uneven in parts but Kensington loves it and I guess thats all that really matters.

Easter Kensie

She got a scooter for Easter.  She LOVES it!  She hasn't quite figured out how to make it go but she's definitely working on it.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday Best

Basket Cases

Here's some pics...details to follow. Hope everyone had a good Easter!

Funny Faces

Once in a while we catch Kensie and Xander doing something really cute or crazy. Here's some recent favs!


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