Sunday, September 12, 2010

For Sale: 2 Kids

1 Girl:  2 years old - loves to play, make messes and eat.  Refuses to listen to anything you say and will not obey any request whether direct or indirect.  Hates to sleep and screams when told its time for bed.  Requires 27+ books at bedtime and at least 25 minutes of snuggling.

1 Boy:  11 months old - loves to play, hit you in the face and follow you around like a lost puppy.  Does not like to be put down and lets you know when he is upset.  Also hates to sleep and requires at least 2 hours of screaming in his crib before he even considers succumbing to his tiredness. 

Both yours for free and if you act fast I may even throw in $50 and the option to purchase a third child as it becomes available.


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