I picked her birthday for a couple of reasons. My due date was October 26th but I wanted to have a November baby. There is only one November birthday on either side of mine and Todd's families. Also, I wanted to get past Halloween so that Todd didn't have to take the kids trick 'o treating by himself. Everyone thought I was crazy to go past my due date but I've always thought that babies are easier in than out.
Boy was I wrong this time. This is the only pregnancy where I've gotten to the point where I've just been done with being pregnant. By the time the day came I was so ready to not be pregnant. Its a hard thing to look forward to for me because the recovery is such a pain. I was looking forward to a month later when I would hopefully feel normal again.
She was born first thing in the morning. I worked on my homework while I waited for the time to come. When they were putting in my spinal I got zinged twice. I'm not sure exactly what happens but it basically felt like was I was being shocked and it hurt like heck. Plus, I had to hold still which is not so easy when you're in pain. When she was born she was taken straight to the NICU before I even got to see her.
Todd took some pictures of her so I could see what she looked like but I didn't get to go to the NICU for 6 hours. She reminded me of my other babies and she was beautiful. It was hard to see her with the IV and oxygen in her nose but I was glad she was in such good hands. The kids couldn't go in the NICU but they were able to see her from the doorway. It was so hard for them to not be able to see their new baby sis.
We both finally got to go home and be taken care of my Grandma. Ainsley did great for a few days and just slept until she decided that she really likes to be held. Luckily Grandma is a great baby holder and I'm pretty sure Ainsley may have preferred Grandma to Mom.
Kensie thinks she is a little momma herself and wants to take care of her sis whenever she can. She doesn't want to do the things I ask her just what she wants but its still helpful most of the time. Xander loves her little tiny feet and always wants to tickle them. I'm pretty sure Eden thinks she is a puppy and is always petting her hair. They don't always like sharing their mom but they love their little sister.
a little gross but I think its actually a pretty cool picture |
just born |
meeting the family |
all hooked up |
mamma snuggles |
family love |