Monday, May 26, 2008

5 Things I love about Todd

#1 - He makes me feel good. He's always telling me how beautiful and smart I am. He's always quick with a compliment and he means what he says.
#2 - He appreciates me. We both work hard to take care of everything in our lives and he usually remembers to say thanks. He lets me know he appreciates the things I do for our family.
#3 - He tells cheesy jokes that aren't always funny. This use to drive me crazy a little bit but now its something I love about him. His jokes always make me laugh whether its because they're funny or because they are so not funny that its funny.
#4 - He's hot. Plain and simple I love the way he looks.
#5 - He works hard. Whenever there is a job to be done he works hard to get it done. I know I can count on his help for a major project.

an extra one... He's the best daddy for my baby girl. I never expected him to be so hands on but he is. He changes more diapers than I do and he's always willing to hold her or play with her.

Today is my 2nd wedding anniversary and I couldn't be happier. I got married old (23) compared to a lot of my friends but I'm so glad I waited those few extra years. I have a wonderful husband who is a blast to hang out with and always makes me smile. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

Our engagement

I love this picture - Its just glamorous to me

Our Wedding Day - I was so happy my face hurt!

Our trip to Mendocino

Our 1st Anniversary - We were sealed in the Sac Temple

One of my favorite pictures

I love Todd's expression - He looks shocked and maybe a little scared
Our trip to Tennessee
Rock City, Georgia
Hot Air Balloon Ride over Napa Valley

The first two years have been incredible and I'm looking foward to many many more!

I scream, you scream, We all scream for Cupcakes!

Kensington's 3-month party was a lot bigger than our usual affair. We had my Mom, Dad and Grandma, Shaun, Bonnie and Dylan, Mat and Kat and Andrea over to celebrate. It was a lot of fun. Kensington was tired and a bit cranky so she slept through most of the festivites. She wasn't too interested in having her picture taken either.

Blowing out the Candles

Andrea and the Smunchie
Cousin Dylan woke her up
Shaun and Bonnie

Matt and Kat
Asleep at the party
Daddy and Kensie
Dylan just wanted his cupcake

We had a great evening celebrating our wonderful daughter. Some day she might actually get to her cupcakes at one of these things.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

3 months of FUN

Today is Kensington's 3 month birthday. We are having her cupcake party on Friday when my family is here so check back later for pictures. Here's how far we've come since this thing started.
  • She weighs at least 4 lbs more than she did when she was born. I have no idea how much she actually weighs but its at least 12 1/2 lbs
  • She is at least 4 inches longer. Again not sure of her exact height but last I checked she was about 23 1/2 inches
  • Eats a ton. I can't keep up with her sometimes
  • Loves to have her diaper changed. She laughs and smiles at Todd the whole time and thinks its hilarious when she fills her diaper extra full for Daddy.
  • Had her first real belly laugh a few days ago. Most of the time its a high pitched
    pterodactyl squeal.
  • Can roll from her back to her stomach. She hates her stomach though so she's always mad after she rolls over.
  • Thinks her hand is the best thing since sliced bread. It can grab things, it can pull things, it tastes good and with just the right effort it will fit in her mouth.
  • Loves her carseat. This one was touch and go for a while. She use to cry when she went in it but now she loves to go out on little 'adventures' everyday.
  • Loves her stroller even more. She likes it when we let her ride in just her stoller, without the carseat attached. She sits up and looks out at everything.
  • Still wakes up at night but sleeps great when she's next to her mommy. This drives me a little crazy but I need my sleep to survive work so she stays with me.
  • Tries to sit up all the time. She always wants to look at everything and be part of the group.
  • Is the happiest baby I've ever seen. She only gets mad when she has a dirty diaper, is hungry, or on her stomach.

I love being a mom. It makes life interesting and fun. I couldn't imagine a better baby to start with and its so fun to watch her grow and change.

Boxing Beauty

Kensington loves to punch and kick so we often call her our boxing baby. After her bath on Sunday I put her in a robe for the first time. It reminded me of a boxer before a match.

What are you looking at?
Totally chill
I'm gonna take you out...
You want a piece of me?
Let me hear my fans scream
Ready for the ring

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Turning Over a New Blog

So it seems like everyone that I know is on blogspot. I have an MSN spaces page that I use basically to post pictures but I thought I would give blogspot a try. I'm not sure I have much to blog about except Kensington but she does keep us pretty entertained so I should have plenty to say. Here are some quick pictures that we've taken recently. I love digital photography because I can take a million pictures and I don't have to worry about it because they all just go on my computer and I use the ones I want.

Every month we have a cupcake party for her month birthday. I know its kinda cheesy but its fun and a good excuse for cupcakes.

This pretty much shows how she feels about "tummy time." She hates it. We make her do it for a few minutes each day and depending on her mood when we start she often ends up crying before were done.

I call this her 'baby power' pose. She loves to punch her arms up in the air and look like she's going to take you out. She's got a pretty good left hook. This outfit is one of my favorites and I'm sad to see her grow out of it. I'm glad we had good weather though so she was able to wear it a few times before she got too big.

I love this picture! It makes her look like an angel. This is the blessing dress that Todd's mom got for her. She didn't end up wearing it because at the time she was blessed the dress made her scream. She is apparently very picky about her fabrics.

She makes the funniest faces. I didn't really pay much attention to babies before Kensington but she isthe most expressive baby that I have ever seen. I love to just sit and watch her face change as she watches everything around her.


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