So it seems like everyone that I know is on blogspot. I have an MSN spaces page that I use basically to post pictures but I thought I would give blogspot a try. I'm not sure I have much to blog about except Kensington but she does keep us pretty entertained so I should have plenty to say. Here are some quick pictures that we've taken recently. I love digital photography because I can take a million pictures and I don't have to worry about it because they all just go on my computer and I use the ones I want.
Every month we have a cupcake party for her month birthday. I know its kinda cheesy but its fun and a good excuse for cupcakes.
This pretty much shows how she feels about "tummy time." She hates it. We make her do it for a few minutes each day and depending on her mood when we start she often ends up crying before were done.
She makes the funniest faces. I didn't really pay much attention to babies before Kensington but she isthe most expressive baby that I have ever seen. I love to just sit and watch her face change as she watches everything around her.
she is a cute baby and she has awesome parents. glad that you have a blog.
Welcome to the blog side!!! Yeah you conformed!! Kensie is adorable- so glad we live close to you guys- you're great
welcome! now you will be hooked! kenz is adorable. I love your name.. KerrKlan how clever are you?
Aw, she's a baby hottie! ;)
I love your page! I swear I am the only one too retarded to figure out cutestblogontheblock page! haha... I will check here often! Kensie is so cute!
Cute!! Its fun to see pictures of your baby!! She is so adorable!!
Evelyn!!! Your little girl is just precious! She has beautiful eyes! Being a mom is the best! Congrats!!!
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