Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So despite the fact that I'm pretty convinced that no one actually reads this blog I thought I would update and add some pictures. 

Life is pretty much the same.  Todd is crazy busy with school and I am just crazy.  Kensie loves to play outside and would live out there if we let her.  Xander is crawling and starting to get into everything. 

We still take a million pictures of Kensie for every five we take of Xander

Her Uncle David's Harley - She was obsessed with this and the John Deere

A few weeks ago we went to Temple Square so Todd could take some pictures for his photo class.  It was hot and Kensie decided to sit/play in every fountain she could find and there were a lot of fountains.


mj said...

i check your blog! can't get enough of your adorable Kenzy!

jennie said...

Hi miss Eve! Kensie is adorable! Grey would live outside too if we let him! Put up some pics of that little Xander! Hope you are well!



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