- is 1 year and 9 months old
-loves to eat and will eat pretty much anything
-is learning how to talk and doing amazing... he repeats most everything we say and is constantly talking
-sleeps great... still takes a 2-3 hour nap every day and sleeps 10+ hours at night
-LOVES basketball. He will point out every basketball hoop that we drive past
-loves to push buttons.. he walks around the house saying, "push button, push button..." just looking for buttons to push
-is getting much more brave on the playground
-gives the sweetest little kisses
-is really good and mostly only misbehaves when he is following his sister
-loves to play in the water
-FINALLY gave up the bottle... it was a fight but we did it and survived
-loves to shut doors
-loves to flush the toilet
-is a little scared of the bath water running but loves to jump in the bath once its turned off
-will watch TV but isn't really a TV zombie like Kensie
-is so excited every day when his Daddy comes home
-loves to play in the water
-uses kitchen chairs to get into things he can't reach
-is pretty obedient and will actually do what I ask a lot of the time
-hates being left at nursery (or anywhere) but does great once he's there
-is starting to mimic prayers and loves to yell amen at the end
-LOVES the book "the little mouse, the big hungry bear and the red ripe strawberry"
-wants to be just like his big sis and get into everything she does
-loves to play with his little sis
-He is so different from Kensie and such a neat little boy. He is so sweet and tender and so much fun to be around.
1 comment:
My favorite fact is that he is scared of bath water! Haha! That food all over his face is disgusting, but it sure makes his bright blue eyes stand out!
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