Todd's brother got married a few weeks ago so The Blackard Family came to visit from out of state. They stayed at our house for a week and fell in love with Kensington. The girls were always trying to help take care of her and they loved to play with her. Gabe thought she was his baby and always had to be close to her. We also had Kirk and Erin come for the wedding. It was so much fun to see everyone and hang out.
The Kiddos and The Kerrs

While everyone was in town we were able to celebrate Kensington's 5 month anniversary. We got to hang out at the Jeffers' house and celebrate Jamie's homecoming as well.
Carrie and Bryson
Kensington wants their cupcake!
Jamie is home from Arkansas. Yeah!
Lisa with the 2 newest kiddos. - Kensington and Jade
She always has to have something in her mouth

1 comment:
Kensington is so freakin' cute I can't stand it!!! She has the most beautiful blue eyes! I love the monthly cupcake parties, keep it up!
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