Sunday, June 29, 2008

Wonder Tot

Kensington's cousin Dylan had a Super Hero birthday party on Saturday. People were suppose to come dressed in costume. I thought it would be cute to dress Kensington up as something Wonder Woman seemed perfect. I did some research and there is an actual character that appears in some of the comics that is Wonder Tot or Wonder Woman as a Toddler. I picked Wonder Tot so I wouldn't have to find a tube top for Kensington. The party was great and Kensington looked so cute in her costume.

Happy Baby

Eating up the Hulk

Fighting with the Hulk fistSuper Hero Family
All the Pictures

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What's In a Name?

Much to my surprise not very many people have asked where Kensington's name came from. I don't know if people just don't care or don't want to ask or what. I wanted all of my kids to have interesting but not wierd names. I mean I'm not naming my kid Moxie Crimefighter or Pilot Inspektor but I don't want to name them Jessica or Jennifer or something like that. So Kensington is named after a street. I use to drive by Kensington Dr every day on my commute and I just thought it was a cool name. It doesn't actually mean anything but it is a palace in England and the royal borrough of London. I like royalty so I thought that was cool.

Along with interesting first names I wanted my kids to have family names and to have 2 middle names. Todd and I went back and forth on the 2 middle names thing but I finally won. Kensington's middle names are Jewell Christine which is my Grandmother's name and Christine is my middle name. My Grandmother is one of the most interesting and neat people that I know and I would love it if Kensington grew up to be something like her.

All of this explaination is because I finally got a sign made for Kensington's room that has her name on it. Its something I've wanted to do since she was born and it only took four months. yeah!

Child Abuse

So yes Kensington is our first child and yes we still have not gotten out of the phase of treating her like a toy hence the following video.

At first Todd just stuck the pickle in her mouth so she would make a face but all she ended up doing was sucking on the end of the pickle. Quite funny. Since that didn't work Todd took a bite of the pickle and then squeezed the pickle juice into her mouth. I love this video not just for Kensington's reactions but because Todd is cracking up in the background. Hilarious!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Pictures for Daddy

So for Father's Day all Todd asked for was pictures of the baby. One afternoon while she was particularly happy I took her upstairs and snapped what seems like a million pictures. So now Todd has pictures of the baby but they are still just on the computer. I really should frame some or something but I can't decide which one(s). What do you think?

Sunday, June 15, 2008


A few weeks ago Kensington discovered her feet. She loves to reach for them and to suck on her toes. Its hillarious to watch and it can sometimes keep her entertained for half an hour or more. Oh and for those wondering yes I do usually keep her in clothes but it has been soooo hot lately that its easier to just let her roll around in her diaper sometimes.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Duckies and Daddy

On Saturday we took Kensington to Royer park to feed the ducks. I love ducks so I was super excited for Kensington to her her first ducks. She hung out with Todd while I fed the ducks. She mostly just watched them all swim around and charge for the bread. One duck started to come at her and she got a little scared. We had a lot of fun though and I can't wait to take her again!

4 Generations of Nut

I was lucky enough to have my Mom and Grandma come and visit me for a week. My mom has been to my house several times but this is the first time that my Grandma has been to my house and met Kensington. They were able to watch her while I went to work everyday and they all had a blast together. Kensington couldn't get enough of her Grandmas. Kensington's middle names are after my Grandma so I thought it was neat that they got to meet and hang out.

4 Generations
Kensington and her Grandmas

Rice Cereal and Rolling Over

I can't believe how much Kensington has grown in the past 3 months. She's still a cute little baby but she has such a personality and is so much more expressive than she use to be. We are having a blast with her and she is our new form of entertainment. We don't bother to turn the TV on these days because Kensington is always way more entertaining. We started feeding her rice cereal last week and she loves it. She still hasn't quite figured out the eating is different from sucking thing but she is making progress. The first time we put the bib on her she went for it like that was her dinner. It was hilarous. I kept having to take it out of her mouth so I could feed her more cereal. Luckily she figured it out and now she just tries to eat her hands between cereal bites.

Kensington started rolling over a few weeks ago. She goes from her back to her stomach and then gets mad because she hates to be on her stomach. I've seen her roll from her stomach to her back once but she hasn't done it since so I think that time was just a fluke. She's hilarious to watch and no matter how many times we flip her back over on her back she keeps rolling over.

Play Date

Last week my mom brought Kensington to work so that we could have lunch together. One of my coworkers brought her son Mason who is 2 days older than Kensington so they could play together. They were completely indifferent to each other but it was fun to see them together and see how different the two kiddos are.


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