Saturday, March 26, 2011

Family Pictures

We went and had family pictures made. We've never had professional ones done and the last family picture we have is from my sister's wedding last May. It was certainly an interesting experience. Eden screamed the whole time. Kensie wouldn't listen and was just being silly. Xander was scared of the photographer. It was a pretty crazy hour but we got some good shots. I can't believe how grown up my babies look.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Frozen Tundra

Todd is finally graduating from LDS Business College and so the time has come for us to move. We had great hopes of going to BYU-Hawaii but life doesn't always work out the way you want so we are going to BYU-Idaho instead. 

Instead of sunshine and ocean waves we get snow.  We're a little bummed but in honor of our move to the frozen tundra we took a new family picture... Rexburg here we come!


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