Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Baby X

Xander Kerr
Wednesday September 30, 2009
9lbs 30z 20inches

The C-section went well and we are all doing great. Kensington loves her little brother. I'm not quite sure she knows he's coming home with us later but she loved to hold him and stroke his face. Hopefully I'll be out of the hospital on Friday and life can begin settling into its new normal.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Too tired for a title

I feel like its been a while since I put some pictures up so I thought that I would. I'm usually too tired to do anything fun and so we haven't taken too many pictures lately. Kensington is growing like a weed and gets more interesting every day. She is finally back to sleeping like a normal child. She has some mornings where she wakes up between 5 and 6 but usually she is nice and lets me sleep until at least 8. Its nice to have some peace again and not dread bed time every night.

I'm hoping to finally get some pictures of my baby belly tomorrow. My Mom who was a labor and delivery nurse for at least a decade says I have the wierdest looking pregnant belly that she has ever seen and she's seen a lot. I still have a waistline and I'm only pregnant from the waist up. She even wants me to ask my doctor why I look so wierd.

Assuming everything goes as planned Xander will be here tomorrow and hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures posted. I'm excited to finally meet the little guy but I'm not sure I'm quite ready to have 2 kids.

She is obsessed with the phone
She finally let me put in pigtails

She doesn't actually pick boogers but loves to stick her finger up her nose

She loves to climb and gets into everything

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Little Peace

We are making progress on the sleep drama... its not perfect but its working a million times better than being awake from 2-5 in the morning every morning.
After searching for a week for a crib tent we gave up on that and decided we needed to do something else. We tried the pack and play, we tried letting her sleep in a different room and even tried letting her sleep with us but nothing worked particularly well.
So finally I took the furniture out of her room (so she can't climb it and tip it over) and put a mattress on the floor and let her sleep there. She doesn't like it and spends 5-30 minutes each night banging on the door and throwing her body into it but eventually she falls asleep. Usually its on the floor but occasionally she makes it over to the bed.
She still wakes up at least once during the night and has to cry it out some more but I can live with that for now. Hopefully she'll adjust soon so that she doesn't freak out the new baby and wake him up at night too.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Do They Make Sleeping Pills for Babies?

So I was under the false impression that by 18 months we would have sleep fairly well established. She has always had some issues with sleeping but it really hasn't been that bad until now...

It all started (or should I say stopped?) about 2 1/2 weeks ago. She would throw a major fit any time we tried to put her down to sleep and then after crying it out for an hour or 2 she would sleep for 3-5 hours and start all over again. We were all exhausted.

We started giving her melatonin to see if that would help and for 3 wonderful nights we got sleep. Peaceful, happy, uninterupted (at least by her screaming) sleep. Now we are back to the sleep drama with a vengence.

There seem to be 2 major problems...

1. She won't go to sleep in her room. She hates her bedroom and throws a complete and total tantrum any time we attempt to put her to sleep in her room. She'll fall asleep in the living room, in our room, in the car... anywhere but her room. If she wakes up her room she is incredibly mad and absolutely refuses to go back to sleep... anywhere.

2. She just won't go to sleep. She fights it with everything she has and the girl has an iron will. We can't let her cry it out in her crib because in her anger she has started to fling herself over the edge of her crib and I'm worried she may break her neck. If she were just trying to climb out of the crib like a normal kid I might not worry so much but she is flinging herself over the edge in a fit of rage.

So now I don't know what to do and I'm tired. I can't be up all night with 2 screaming kids so I've got to get this thing figured out quickly...


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