Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Dentist

I wish I had pictures or something but I don't and I wanted to brag on my kids anyway.  We went to the dentist this week.  I had rescheduled the original appointment because I had a panic attack about taking 2 kids to the dentist by myself and so waited until Todd could come and assist.  We have been to the dentist once besides this trip so Kensie was vaguely familiar with the place.
We had a plan - Todd would take Xander and I would take Kensie and hopefully everyone would still be alive in the end.  The hygienist came out to get Kensie and she took her hand and walked back to the chair all by herself.  I sat like a nervous mother in the waiting room just waiting for something to happen but nothing did.  Kensie got her teeth cleaned and got x-rays and was happy as a clam the whole time.  When she was done she showed me her brand new purple tooth brush and talked about how they took pictures of her teeth with a special magic camera.
Xander on the other hand was pretty entertaining.  He didn't cry but he basically refused to open his mouth and even went so far as to clamp him mouth shut every time the dentist got close.  She was able to see in his mouth and the trip was a success. 
Sometimes they drive me completely bonkers but seriously my kids are awesome!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


This pretty much sums up how my kids feel about people in general.  I'm not even sure who told Kensie about Santa because it certainly wasn't me. 


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