Friday, January 27, 2012


This is Eden... She has crazy hair. Her hair is long and all over the place.

Sometimes we put it in a ponytail so she looks semi-normal but thats only when we remember and we have a ponytail holder around.

So I decided to cut it. I cut off about 3 inches in a very hurried and rushed minute

Now she is blonde but super cute and you can actually see her face

Sometimes she likes to steal her sister's pudding and spread it all over the place

Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 - Quite Possibly the LONGEST year ever

2011 was hard for me. There were a lot of changes and I didn't change well this time. Hopefully 2012 will be better or at least that I will react better.

A Year in Review

January - We celebrated the New Year in Boise with Todd's family. His sister Tricia and her family and his brother Kirk came to stay with us for a few days. Todd turned 33 and started his last semester at LDS Business College.

February - We welcomed our 3rd baby Eden, Kensington turned 3 and my mom came to stay with us for a month to help us adjust to this new life.

March - Todd got accepted to BYU-Idaho, Todd's Mom and Brother came to hang out with us for a week. We blessed Eden and took no pictures of her with her family.

April - Todd graduated from LDS Business College and 2 days later we moved to Rexburg, ID. In the first week that we lived in Rexburg we had snow, rain, freezing rain, wind, hail and ice.

May - Todd and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. Instead of the cruise we had been planning for 5 years we went to dinner and a movie while my mom watched our babies.

June - We spent a lot of time at my sisters house while Todd was at school all the time. The kids enjoyed having a dog and learning to use the doggie door.

July - We celebrated the 4th of July with Todd's brother Kirk who came to hang out with us. The kids enjoyed playing in the backyard and making some new friends. I threw a baby shower for my sis and got to do some fun party planning

August - Todd finally had a little time off from school for us to hang out. We took turns sleeping and did a little local exploring

September - I turned 29. Todd started back to school. Kensington started preschool and finally decided to use the potty. Xander turned 2. Eden started to crawl.

October - I got lazy for Halloween and barely dressed up the kids. We went trick or treating in the freezing cold wind.

November - I finally got a job! My mom came with the kids for Thanksgiving and we had a nice meal at my house. The kids had fun hanging out with their cousins

December - I started working and the kids started going to daycare. I love work and the kids have mixed feelings about daycare. Todd finished his 2nd semester at BYU-I and gets the next 4 months off to be a stay at home dad. Christmas came and the kids got spoiled by everyone but their parents. We rang in the new year by putting the kids to bed and watching a movie on the couch.

I hope 2012 brings a little less change and a little bit of a better attitude from me. I hope my kids are a little less crazy and that I can finally figure out how to deal with them successfully so that we can all get along better.


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