Monday, April 29, 2013

Blessed Baby

We finally were able to bless Ainsley a few weeks ago.  We have never waited this long to bless one of our babies but it seemed like it just kept getting pushed back.  We were lucky enough to have some of our family and friends come to celebrate with us.

A few of things that she was blessed with that really stood out to me were that she would be a joy and blessing to her family, that she would be an example of obedience and that she would bring peace to her home.  Also, that she would be good friends with her brothers and sisters.  I think these things stood out to me because I can already see these things in her personality and in the way she interacts with her family.

Having four kids is a bit crazy and its not something I imagined for myself but I couldn't be happier with my little family and our new addition.  She is just the coolest little girl that I have ever met and I am so excited to watch her continue to grow and develop.


Bergen said...

She looks just like you! So fun.

Matthew and Katherine Kerr said...

We wish we could have been there! I love her hair!


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